
(test)ing the usb.

There was a solar eclipse. There is another imminent solar eclipse in the form of tests in my life. And this ones really ominous. Evil. Smells of doom and preceding gloom. I could, of course, disregard them. But the oh so touchy conscience. I can play the harry potter tunes and parts of stairway to heaven in my guitar, and i did that all by myself. I am rather punched about the entire thing. My mp3 player isnt working because they say my USB port in the PC actually has electric current flowing through it. Me, the eternally disbelieving soul, while trying to point out how wrong they were, touched the USB port. I shall always honour those lightning precautions from now on. Always.


I am very satisfied with the new look of my blog. The right amount of sunniness always does good stuff to the mood.

When you try and actually forget.


project decadence.

What a week. And what smoldering experiences. Should i enumerate them? But that means following a method, an order. Pip. Heck, i have so much to write about. On second thoughts, no, not really. Stuff that i shan't write about, cant write about, stuff that i, unfortunately, forgot. About Rorogression then. Its a progression of a unnerving variety. Shattering content, as you will see. First sms: Rick. tor hobe. Second sms: Rick, tor ei hobe, shei hobe. Third sms: You will shatter everything. Fourth sms: Tui dhongsho kore dibi. Fifth sms: You will earthquake everything. Tui bhumikompo ghotabi. And so it continued, growing more dramatical everyday. Somewhere in between, beautiful women were imposed unfashionably. And frequently, my earthquaking potential was being accentuated by a red haired Brazialians. "Rick, all the women are gonna fawn over you. You da man." And then, i was expected to save the city from Aila. However, today, it culminated to something amazing. The stars


Anyone had the misfortune of seeing the movie called "Duplicate"? It had two Shah-Rukhs. As if one of them wasn't bad enough. It was also culpable of a wafer thin plot. And some sensationally bad acting. The music was such that i decide not to elaborate on it. I forget the actress. Sonali Bendre, in all likelihood. However, this post isn't a verdict on a 12 year old film. As a 7 year old, i found it reasonably entertaining. Dunno whether it was me or the film. Anyhow, I saw the film again yesterday. Well, the film droned(for want of a better word). I am not trying to sound didactic or anything, but it shouldn't be watched unless you are faced with a worse option. But I would like to express my opinion regarding a certain scene, a scene which impressed me as a 7 year old. And it impressed me as a 16 year old. For reasons best known to the force which decides what impresses whom. There is particular scene where the evil Shah Rukh(there were two, remember?) plays wit

The Rain.

The Rain is a traitor. Do you know that every drop of the rain has a mission? that it drops for a reason? Every drop that hits you has a mission, an objective, a conscience. Each drop reminds you of that little something. A smile, a scene, a touch, a fleeting thought, the moment... The drops help to simplify the complex equation. To untie the knots. When you stand in the road, and feel the drops falling in hundreds, you feel peace. The rain tries to make you feel lonely, but in trying that, it keeps you company. Its a feeling between loneliness and seclusion. Standing on the terrace, I feel lonely till i feel all those drops on me. But no, not really. Those drops exacerbate whatever I am feeling. They are traitors. They are heartless accentuators. The rain stops. The wind carries on the legacy. Wet wind, winds that don't dry anything away. Way past midnight. The room is dark, all windows were open. The wind is blowing conservatively. The sharp tinkle of the wind-chime. The occasio