
Showing posts from June, 2009

When you try and actually forget.


project decadence.

What a week. And what smoldering experiences. Should i enumerate them? But that means following a method, an order. Pip. Heck, i have so much to write about. On second thoughts, no, not really. Stuff that i shan't write about, cant write about, stuff that i, unfortunately, forgot. About Rorogression then. Its a progression of a unnerving variety. Shattering content, as you will see. First sms: Rick. tor hobe. Second sms: Rick, tor ei hobe, shei hobe. Third sms: You will shatter everything. Fourth sms: Tui dhongsho kore dibi. Fifth sms: You will earthquake everything. Tui bhumikompo ghotabi. And so it continued, growing more dramatical everyday. Somewhere in between, beautiful women were imposed unfashionably. And frequently, my earthquaking potential was being accentuated by a red haired Brazialians. "Rick, all the women are gonna fawn over you. You da man." And then, i was expected to save the city from Aila. However, today, it culminated to something amazing. The stars